Poker Quotes
View the list I am a poker player, but I am not a good poker player. My favorite game is seven card stud, but I'll play hi/lo, Hold 'em, Razz. Dec 21, 2020 Paul Newman puts one of poker’s most adopted maxims perfectly in the 1986 movie The Color of Money, and nothing fuels poker players more than those words. If it feels sweet to earn your pay. Jan 06, 2020 Poker quotes spice up the combination of gambling, skill, betting, and bluffing. Check out some of the best and funniest ones from the best in the game! Poker Sayings and Quotes. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old poker quotes, poker sayings, and poker proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. Nov 12, 2020 NOV. 13 POKERCAST RECAP: We find a story with inspirational poker quotes from modern players and we give you more news on poker room reopenings around America. We also have a new O'Mally's Move and Brannen Hough's seventh Hand of the Week.

Everyone needs a motivational boost from time to time, and especially before you go for a game of poker. While these poker quotes may not help you get better at poker or share a new strategy, they are sure to get you all cheered up for your next game.

In the game of poker, everyone has something to say, and we could have added countless quotes to this list. But, some of these quotes left an everlasting impression even after decades, and some just spur the moment interactions that will be revisited for the generations to come. So, we at Academy52 bring you some of the best poker quotes ever said, and you let us know if you get motivated or not after reading those.
If There Weren’t Luck Involved, I Would Win Every Time
Phil HellmuthPhil Hellmuth gave birth to one of the best poker quotes, if not the best poker quote of the modern era. The American poker legend and 15-time WSOP bracelet winner has always had a way with words. Who could forget when he said, “I can dodge bullets, baby!”. But the quote in question brings out the sorrow of most poker players. While poker is a game of skill, it is luck that sometimes tips the scales in someone’s favour. Luck is the reason Phil couldn’t win every game, and it is the reason we see an amateur take it all now and then.
If You Can’t Spot The Sucker In Your First Half-Hour At The Table, Then You Are The Sucker
Matt Damon, RoundersRemember that Matt Damon, Edward Norton and Gretchen Mol movie Rounders? The one with the loan shark, endless poker sessions and a lot more. Yes, that one! That movie gave one of the most inspiring poker quotes of all time to the world, and even after two decades, people still remember it. Now, this quote has been said by a lot of people, with a lot of different variations, at a lot of different places. But the essence remains the same. This quote gave birth to a whole new generation of poker players, many of whom started playing just because they loved Matt Damon’s character in the movie.
There Is More To Poker Than Life
Tom McEvoyIf you are a poker player, this goes right up in the book of poker inspirational quotes. But just to be sure you didn’t read it wrong, just have a look at the quote again. This was said by Tom McEvoy, the poker veteran who took the top spot at the 1983 WSOP main event. Why is this quote important you ask? This quote sums up the average poker player’s experience, who allow the game to take over their life completely.
It’s Not Whether You Won Or Lost, But How Many Bad Beat Stories You Were Able To Tell
Poker Quotes From Movies
Grantland RiceChances are, you haven’t heard this quote. This is because the one who said it passed over half a century ago. Still, this quote by late American sportswriter Grantland Rice is one for the ages. This quote quantifies the fact that most of us won’t have impressive numbers to show in poker. In fact, the average poker player loses more than he wins. But what poker gives a player is the leave the table with a story or two to remember.
Poker Quotes Better Have A Good Hand

Money Won Is Twice As Sweet As Money Earned
Paul Newman, The Color Of Money‘The Color Of Money’ is a sports-drama film released in the 1980s. It’s not a poker movie, and it is as far from cards as it can be. The movie is about the game of pool, but a quote by late actor Paul Newman has encompassed all sport, especially the one that involves direct money. While earning money is one way to get rich, it is the easy way out. Winning money, on the other hand, is where the fun lies. Therefore, as one of the best poker quotes suggests, the money you win is sweeter than the money you earn, because of the risks, thrill and excitement.
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Best Poker Quotes Overview
Poker Quotes Names
Well, there you have it. These are some of the best poker quotes ever said. They may be on or around a poker table, or in a movie, but they perfectly sum up the heart and soul of a poker player. Which quote do you think is the best? Let us know in the comments.
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